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MainCommunityDispute Resolution Policy

Dispute Resolution Policy


This policy governs complaints from students respecting the College and any aspect of its operations. The policy outlines the regulations and procedures related to student dispute resolution.



This policy applies to all individuals who enrolled in studies with the College.



Due to the size of the organization and the diversity of individuals operating in close proximity to one another, the College realizes there may be disputes and conflicts that arise from time to time. The College is committed to ensuring a safe, comfortable, equal, and responsive learning environment for everyone. The College is committed to the prompt and equitable resolution of student concerns to the satisfaction of both the student and the College.


Complaints should be filed within 90 calendar days of the occurrence of the incident or from the date upon which the student should reasonably have known about the matter(s) they are complaining about. Complaints submitted beyond one calendar year from the date of graduation or withdrawal will not be accepted.


  • Anonymous complaints will not be accepted.
  • Formal student complaints must be made in writing.
  • An agent or lawyer may represent the student making a complaint.
  • The dispute resolution process, including written reasons for the determination and any reconsideration (if any), must be completed no later than 30 calendar days from the date on which the student submitted the complaint.
  • A student who makes or is otherwise involved in a complaint will not be subject to any form of retaliation by the College at any time for making the complaint.
  • The submitted Complaint, related documentation and College response(s) must be retained in the student file.


Students are strongly encouraged to discuss any conflicts, disputes, or concerns via informal discussion at the earliest opportunity.



Campus Director Resolution:

1. In the event that the attempt to resolve issues via informal discussion has not been successful, the student shall provide their concerns or complaints in writing (e-mail or letter) to the Campus Director. The student must provide their full name and student ID number, set out the areas of concern or complaint, their suggested remedy, and what steps they have taken to date to address or resolve the issue.


2. The Campus Director must investigate the student’s concerns or complaints and, whenever necessary, meet with the student as soon as is practicable and normally within 5 days to seek resolution and/or seek additional information about the concerns or complaints from the student or any other parties involved.

  • If the Campus Director is not available, or named in the complaint, the dispute must be submitted to the Education Manager or Program Coordinator.
  • Students will be provided with the contact information of the Education Manager, Program Coordinator and Campus Director during their orientation before the start of their first class.
  • If a formal complaint is sent to a staff member other than the Campus Director, that staff member must redirect the complaint within 1 business day of receipt to the Campus Director.


3. After careful consideration, the Campus Director will provide a written decision to the student, no later than 10 calendar days after the receipt of the concerns, or complaint.

Campus Support Resolution:

1. If a resolution cannot be found through the Campus Director, the student may pursue the matter further by sending an email to the Regional Director of Operations. The name and contact information will be provided in the Campus Director’s decision letter.

  • The email must include the student’s concern, actions taken to date and the desired outcome or resolution.
  • Must be sent within 5 calendar days of the Campus Director decision


2. The Regional Director of Operations will contact all relevant parties to gather information regarding the concern.


3. The Regional Director of Operations will conduct an investigation with the support of the Regional Compliance Manager and review of the complaint/concern and inform all parties of the progress of the investigation and review.


4. Once the investigation is complete, the Regional Director of Operations will respond to the student in writing, no later than 15 calendar days after the receipt of the concerns, or complaint.

If a student is dissatisfied with the determination and feels they have been misled by the institution regarding any significant aspect of their program, they may file a complaint with the Private Training Institutions Branch (www.privatetraininginstitutions.gov.bc.ca). The time limit for filing the claim is one year after the student completes, is dismissed from, or withdraws from the program.


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