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Main Connect News Start the Job Hunt Early to Stay Ahead of the Competition

Start the Job Hunt Early to Stay Ahead of the Competition

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A successful job search involves a few essential elements: starting early, researching and networking. Students in their final months of college should have already started the hunt, letting peers, colleagues and professors know that they are looking for a position in their particular field.

Those at Vancouver Career College can get their name out to others through the practicum placement in the Accounting and Payroll Administrator program. Through this work experience placement, students can get idea of what type of environment they wish to work in after they graduate.

If young adults are still unsure of the exact position they wish to pursue, some extensive research online and in the classroom can help narrow down their options. They may realize that they enjoy the atmosphere of an accounting firm but work better interacting with people than crunching numbers for the majority of the day.

Another way to find the right career path is to start conversations with professionals who have already established themselves in the field. Vancouver Career College students as well as alumni are fortunate to have the Optimal Resume service available to them to help them tailor their resume to look professional, modern and relevant to their particular field.

Those who wish to hear more about the Accounting and Payroll Administrator program at Vancouver Career College can get started by filling out the form on the right.

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