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Main Connect News Start Off Strong in Your New Career

Start Off Strong in Your New Career

Thursday, June 7, 2012

After landing their first position after graduating from college, new accounting and payroll professionals will want to make sure they do all that they can to get a strong start during their first week of work. While some companies have extensive orientation sessions, other employers may just have new employees complete a pile of paperwork and start learning the ropes. In order to start off on the right foot, new professionals can do a few things that will help them get noticed.

One thing new employees can do is get to know some of the people in the IT department. Whether it's for particular equipment or questions about computers and software, the IT staff can be valuable connections to have within the office. The next time a computer crashes, they'll know exactly who to contact with the issue.

Additionally, new employees should remember that they were hired because the company values their skill and talent. While it's important to know get to know the day-to-day details of the job, new professionals shouldn't be afraid to offer their opinions if necessary.

If you're interested in starting a career in accounting or payroll administration, you can get the knowledge and skills you need for a strong career in the Accounting and Payroll Administrator program at Vancouver Career College. For more information, fill out the form on the right.

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