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Main Programs and Courses Health Care Programs Professional Counsellor

Professional Counsellor

Please check with the campus of your choice for program availability.

Do you want to help people improve their lives? The Professional Counsellor program may be for you.


This program is designed to provide students will the knowledge, skills, and ethical considerations needed to become a professional counsellor.The program consists of learning various theories of counselling, the ethical practice and procedures, as well as practical  components where students can apply their newly acquired skills in a supervised setting. 


Graduates will be able to work in a variety of settings and be equiped to provide support to  people suffering from depression, recovering from traumas, and dealing with loss and grief.

This program is 56 weeks in length.
  • Family Counsellor
  • Child and Adolescent Counsellor
  • Associate Counsellor
  • Trauma Counsellor
  • Outreach Parent Support Worker
  • Mental Health Worker
Program Courses
CES4 / Career and Employment Strategies

This course builds on the skills learned in the Student Success Strategies course or its equivalent. It provides information on how to use the communication skills learned in order to make a successful presentation to a prospective employer. Students also learn how to uncover the hidden job market and identifyemployment opportunities. Self-assessment during this course allows students to identify their personal skills that are transferable to the work place and to describe these skills to a prospective employer. Students may be videotaped during a mock interview and will participate in the analysis of their performance in the “interview”.

COUN290 / Practicum III

Students will actively participate in the college’s in-house counselling clinic and will be expected to act as a regular practitioner in order to gain the valuable real world experience

COUN280 / Business and Marketing for Counselling Practice

This course will cover the basic information needed to assist the new counsellor in starting a small business. Topics addressed will be developing a business plan, effective marketing techniques, required documentation and legal requirements, designing a website, and strategies for a successful practice.

COUN270 / Loss and Grief Counselling

Students will learn a strength-based approach that assists clients who are experiencing various levels of grief. Theories of grief are reviewed, and various cultural perspectives are viewed with a focus on the cognitive, emotional, behavioral physiological aspects that clients experience. Students will also explore and reflect on their personal values and beliefs within their own culture.

COUN260 / Group Process and Support Skills

This course outlines the basic issues and key concepts of group process and shows how counsellors can apply these concepts in working with a variety of support groups in the community. The course will explore a multicultural perspective and overview various types of groups, effective leadership skills, ethical and legal issues, stages of group development, critical incidents within each stage, and application of various theoretical techniques.

COUN250 / Practicum II

Students will actively participate in the college’s in-house counselling clinic and will be expected to act as a regular practitioner in order to gain the valuable real world experience

COUN245 / Critical Incident Stress Debriefing

The course will cover symptoms of traumatic stress that are experienced by employees or first responders such as firemen, police, and paramedics, as well as bank tellers, and other community members facing extreme emergencies. Specific debriefing skills will be covered for first responders and counselling approaches for psychological first aid, when supporting individuals that have experienced traumatic stress in the workplace.

COUN240 / Conflict Resolution

This course provides the tools necessary for helping professionals resolve conflict within the business setting and describes various approaches on how conflict is viewed. Mediation is explored within the family dynamic, and negotiation strategies are reviewed on small and large scales problems. Conflict theory, styles of conflict, case studies and practical exercises are included to hone skills for handling complex situations.

COUN230 / Substance Abuse, Addictions and Recovery

This course helps the beginning counsellor to become familiar with the basic terms and concepts related to substance dependency, substance abuse and addiction. The various models of addiction that are reviewed provide philosophical groundings for clinical interventions. Given the increasing rise of addictions, the textbook covers additional knowledge of ethical and legal codes specific for substance abuse counselling that all counsellors must be acquainted with.

COUN220 / Applied Counselling Skills III

This course will give students opportunities to further develop their counselling skills beyond basic skills by integrating models of therapy, including the interventions or techniques that are used with that model. The students will receive feedback from fellow peers and have clinical supervision with the instructor at two separate times. To gain increased proficiency, the student will need to integrate the appropriate model for each client and demonstrate the appropriate intervention. Students will also observe role plays and learn to give constructive feedback as well as reflect on how they will respond and adjust counselling procedure.

COUN210 / Child and Youth Counselling

This course will cover the assessment of children and youths. It will review the issues and situations children and youths are faced with in our present-day society and how they present these issues in the counselling session. Since talk therapy is limited, the course will look at a variety of expressive therapies that help individuals tell their stories, and assist counsellors in using a variety of interventions that assist with the process.

COUN200 / Couples and Family Counselling

The course will cover major theories of the couple relationship and the dynamics of the family. Current research in adult attachment formation, personality and complicated dynamics within the family structure will be reviewed. Assessments will include the family as a unit and include specific group interventions within major family therapies, treatment plans, and ways in which to evaluate change.

COUN190 / Practicum I

Students will actively participate in the college’s in-house counselling clinic and will be expected to act as a regular practitioner in order to gain the valuable real world experience.

SSW110O / Case Management

This course is designed to give the student an introduction to case management, documentation and report writing in the human services field. It covers factors affecting case management and delivery of service. The processes behind intake interviews, service delivery planning, building case files, and service coordination are also covered. Various roles in case management are explained. The 12 core functions of social service workers and the 2012 core competencies are explored

COUN180 / Sexual Abuse, Trauma and Violence

This course is an introduction to counselling survivors of sexual abuse, various forms of trauma and understanding family violence. The techniques and skills focus on ways to work with traumatized individuals, create a safe environment and integrate different therapeutic models. Specific methods are focused on to assist the client to recover from trauma and move towards post traumatic healing. The course also includes information on family violence, domestic violence, elder abuse, vicarious trauma, and self-protective procedures for the counsellor working in this area.

COUN170 / Applied Counselling Skills II

This course is designed to provide the student with the structure to complete a variety of assessments from a specific topic to a full historical assessment that includes many psychosocial factors of the client’s life experience. Students will demonstrate specific models as well as the language and intervention associated with each model of counselling. Peer feedback will be given, and each student will be given the opportunity to practice through role plays and to be evaluated twice by the instructor.

COUN160 / Personality Disorders

This course addresses the paradigm shift that reflects many breakthroughs in assessments and combined treatment strategies of personality disorders. The course examines over 11 different styles of personalities and disorders of personality that require specialized treatment approaches. It covers various classifications, looks at normal and pathological functioning, interventions, and treatment approaches.

COUN150 / Depression, Anxiety and Cognitive Behavioral Counselling

This course explores many interventions to assist counsellors to develop treatment plans using the cognitive behavioral model to assess and treat depression and anxiety. Various exercises and techniques will be explored to support counselling with individuals as well as members in group counselling.

COUN140 / Models of Therapy and Case Studies

This course reviews two major cases from each theoretical point of view and then applies the techniques and interventions to each. To avoid a valuable dimension of human behavior being omitted, with the application of one model, the course will focus on a personal synthesis to use as a framework to increase the student’s effectiveness and knowledge. The application of various models will be studied to demonstrate an integration of concepts and techniques from the various approaches is possible.

COUN130 / Applied Counselling Skills I (

In this course, students will have the opportunity to integrate and apply the skills taught previously. They will practice these skills through assessments, case studies, role plays, ethical decision making in group discussions and receive feedback from their peers and from the instructor. They will be evaluated by demonstrating the foundational skills which they practiced in the class.

COUN120 / Psychosocial Development

This course is an overview of human development from conception through death examining both traditional areas of the field and more recent innovations. The course specifically describes the psycho-emotional-social needs and stages in human development and what life experiences result in loss or unmet needs. The course includes descriptions of the challenges and needs of infancy, childhood, latency, adolescence and adulthood, and examples of life experiences that interrupt or support normal development.

COUN110 / Personality Theories and Applications

This course reviews and covers the major theories of counselling and psychotherapy and interventions. Each theory provides a comprehensive picture of the major treatment approaches. It provides students with an in-depth understanding of the fields of counselling and psychotherapy and how they can apply these theories in the counselling situation. Students will also be able to practice role playing to incorporate the theory into practice.

COUN101 / Introduction to Counselling Psychology

This course is designed to provide students with the foundational knowledge and skills necessary for entry level counselling practice. The course familiarizes students with the field of counselling and key contributors as well as common factors in counselling that attend to basic diversity competencies in helping relationships. The course covers beginning stages to termination stages of counselling, intake interviewing, goal setting, writing case notes, and self-reflection. Students will also learn to apply ethical standards that are relevant to issues in this course (e.g., informed consent, confidentiality, dual relationships).

SSS4 / Student Success Strategies

The purpose of this course is to provide students with the knowledge, skills, and study techniques to help foster effective learning and a positive educational experience. This course explores many different theories on learning and studying and how these theories can be applied to each student’s individual studying methods in order to develop a method that is both effective and efficient. Effective study habits and productive note-taking are key topics in this course, as well as the importance of values and goals. Through active participation in learner-centred activities, students will explore and practice strategies for setting personal goals, prioritizing tasks, managing time, and managing the stress that arises in school or work situations. This course will also equip students with a sound understanding of matters related to finance, credit, and debt and the critical implications they have on our lives. Students taking this course will complete the Enriched Academy program, which provides comprehensive coverage of financial and money management skills that will allow them to better save, budget, and manage their money and financial situations.

Vancouver Career College Achieves 95% Pass Rate on PAN-CAN Exam Results
June 21, 2024
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